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NormaTec Compression and the Los Angeles Rams

http://www.cryofixwellness.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/rams-and-normatec.mp4 Check out why NFL teams like the Los Angeles Rams are using NormaTec Compression to help their athletes recover...

NormaTec Compression Featured on Good Morning America

http://www.cryofixwellness.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/170102_gma_whitworth_842_700.mp4 NormaTec Compression was featured on Good Morning America’s Project Wellness Series as a game-changing way to help you heal! The NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern is designed...

Tony Robbins Take on Leading Recovery Technologies

  World authority on Leadership Psychology and the #1 Life and Business Strategist, Tony Robbins, is all about using alternative therapies to keep his body in top shape! Check out why Tony Robbins stands behind Whole Body Cryotherapy, NormaTec Compression and...